1. For a layman, in layman’s terms, what is The Second Opinion (TSO)?

It is a forum where queries can be asked for solution from experts online. It is called ‘second opinion’ since TSO values all the first opinions, whether from your consultant, your advisor or even from Google ! We only seek to improve decision making by confirming, improving or adding value through a second opinion.

2. Why would a prospective client approach the Second Opinion (TSO)?

TSO consists of experts who have dealt with the subject on hand, quite comprehensively, both in terms of knowledge and experience. While such expertise can be located by the User, it is time consuming, costly and sometimes even the right expertise may be physically difficult to locate or contacting them may involve logistic issues. Here TSO performs a service to the User by presenting right expertise at the right time to decide the correct course of action.

3. What is the geographical area covered by TSO ? Are you limiting your target market only to those who understand English?

Being an online venture, it will be pan-India due to country-specific content. Due to the nature of technical questions expected, we initially kept English as an medium. But we will soon launch an alternative in case vernacular needs to be used. Further, since the thesecondopinion’  provided direct interaction with the experts, who are multi-lingual, we expect the language problem to be overcome

4. Why TSO, when there are so many competitors in this field? Is it a novel concept?

There are some technical tax web & legal sites which allow interaction between Experts & users. Further there are self-help forums will allow peers to interact and provide alternate views. Recently some web sites have been launched to locate experts required by users. But there is no specific model other than TSO, which allows users to get answers to specific questions immediately and on an affordable basis- Level 1. TSO allows interaction with the expert to get even more clarity on some issues- Level 2. Finally, experts will be available to offer a customized solution to User requirements- Level 3

5. Is there any provision to obtain the contact details of a visitor – Contact number, Email id, or any other - to follow up if necessary?

While the unique selling proposition of the TSO web site is both confidentiality and privacy, the User is given an option to disclose details for billing at the payment stage, depending upon their specific requirements. In absence of such disclosure, invoicing is done on B-to-C basis

6. What are the minimum or maximum duration for reply time for a query from an user?

There are three levels of queries Level 1, 2 and 3. While for Level-1 it will be 24 working hours (i.e. 1-3 working days), Level 2 will be 48 hours (i.e.4-6 working days) & for Level 3 it will be 72 hours (i.e. 7-9 working days). This is assuming ideal working conditions and proper communication lines between TSO & User. As the User understands how TSO works and vice-versa, the duration mentioned above is likely to reduce.

7. Why is the pricing for each Level in such a manner?

At Level-1, we charge Rs 2000 for the compliance level approach (plus taxes as applicable) to address queries from a wide range of users across India, who may initially be curious about the website and the utility which it provides.


At Level-2, we charge Rs 5000 for the review level approach (plus taxes as applicable), since it involves an opinion on some documents which the user would like to share and/or an online  meeting with the expert. If the query has progressed from Level-2, the user can off-set the payment already made subject to the decision of the administrator,


At level-3, which is a logical extension of Level-2, we charge Rs 10000 for the consultancy level approach (plus taxes as applicable), since at this stage, there is either a requirement for B2B or B2C meetings (online, of course), exchange of documents required  for the opinion and finally an opinion which may include a solution to the issue at hand. If the query has progressed from Level-2, the user can off-set the payment already made subject to the decision of the administrator,

8. What is the status of the website vis-à-vis GST and other Laws?

TSO is programmed to comply with all laws. Our bill format will indicate actual tax status vis-à-vis GST and other laws..

9. Does TSO operate from any physical location/office for contact and communication? What is the legal jurisdiction?

A physical address is Block A, Vth Floor, Chaitraban, 11, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pune 411003, India. Legal jurisdiction would be City of Pune, Maharashtra State, India

10. Why is approaching TSO a winning proposition for Professionals?

As stated, TSO has the highest respect for first opinion viz. services rendered by professionals at every level. However, time, cost and expertise are crucial elements governing any decision. Peer-to peer approach facility provided by TSO enables an element of perfection which is unrivalled for any organization.

11. Is the standard fee level a viable proposition? Many would wonder how top-quality advice could reach them at such an economic value-proposition?

The approach is both sincere and with a sense of purpose. The vast majority of decisions for any level of organization should be objective in nature. However, only the top corporate houses have an ecosystem where every decision is peer-rated by the panel of advisors.  We at TSO would like to provide an element of objectivity within a personal setting. The access to the idea-exchange which we provide at a click of a button is the culmination of 3 decades of research and scholarship on the subject.

12. Will it be an one-size fits all strategy? What do an Individual / a Micro Enterprise unit / MSME’s / SME’s / Service & Academia/ Corporates have in common?

TSO seeks to work on each query as an unique opportunity. This underlines the approach that for us at TSO the context of the query is not of prime importance and there will no hierarchy of preference. Each query assumes primacy, importance and priority for our experts and consultants.

13. Normally, the term ‘The Second Opinion’ is related to the medical field. Have you been able to create your Identity to differentiate from the normal perception of medical-related opinion?

It is good that users generally associate the term second opinion with its medical legacy. We at TSO would like believe that similar to a medical issue, a proper second opinion in business & related issues provides the similar benefits of time & cost savings for any user.

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